Julia Charlotte Richter (*1982 in Gießen, Germany) is a video artist.
She studied Fine Art in Kassel (Germany), Portsmouth (UK) and Braunschweig (Germany). Julia Charlotte Richter’s works have been shown internationally in numerous screenings and exhibitions, including Manege Moscow, Georgian National Museum Tbilisi, Filmfestival Max-Ophüls-Preis Saarbrücken, Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster, Shortfilmfestival Hamburg, B3 Biennial of the Moving Image Frankfurt or Coreana Museum of Art in Seoul. She received different scholarships such as the residency Young Art in Essen (Kunstring Folkwang/Kunsthaus Essen) in 2012 or a working grant by Stiftung Kunstfonds in 2014. In 2017 she received a project grant by the Kunststiftung NRW as well as a travel grant by the Hessische Kulturstiftung. She is currently working on her project The gift of being prepared that is funded by Hessenfilm as well as on a collaborative project with Lisa Seebach, funded by Stiftung Kunstfonds.
Julia Charlotte Richter presents her film Training (2014) at the open-air screening as part of the program sequence DIFFRACTIONS—Commoning.
Julia Charlotte Richter (*1982 in Gießen, Germany) is a video artist.
She studied Fine Art in Kassel (Germany), Portsmouth (UK) and Braunschweig (Germany). Julia Charlotte Richter’s works have been shown internationally in numerous screenings and exhibitions, including Manege Moscow, Georgian National Museum Tbilisi, Filmfestival Max-Ophüls-Preis Saarbrücken, Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster, Shortfilmfestival Hamburg, B3 Biennial of the Moving Image Frankfurt or Coreana Museum of Art in Seoul. She received different scholarships such as the residency Young Art in Essen (Kunstring Folkwang/Kunsthaus Essen) in 2012 or a working grant by Stiftung Kunstfonds in 2014. In 2017 she received a project grant by the Kunststiftung NRW as well as a travel grant by the Hessische Kulturstiftung. She is currently working on her project The gift of being prepared that is funded by Hessenfilm as well as on a collaborative project with Lisa Seebach, funded by Stiftung Kunstfonds.
Julia Charlotte Richter presents her film Training (2014) at the open-air screening as part of the program sequence DIFFRACTIONS—Commoning.